Posted: Sun 5 March, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Work-related |3 Comments »Over the last couple of weeks, work has become really shitty. Since the old CEO (a remarkably decent person) left, The Arsehole (the other main board member, excluding all the venture capital people) has been brought back in. Over the last six months, Decent Person (DP) had been fighting with The Arsehole about lots of business aspects, basically because The Arsehole just didn’t like the way it was all working, and didn’t see the point in things not going his way.
In the last two weeks, DP has pretty much been made into a non-person, and all his decisions and ideas have been reversed. Effectively, the company is back to where it was when I joined last June – hardly a great morale-builder. The work I’ve been doing has been shelved, as The Arsehole doesn’t see the point in it, and so I’ve been working on scut-work taking out the shit that amateurs have put in all the other company e-commerce sites. (Put it this way, I’m sick of the sight of <font> (and even <FONT>) tags) Supposedly this is essential work.
The main company website was revamped at the start of the year with content and approval from DP. The old site was a masterpiece of bullshit, listing at least six products that we don’t do, never have done, and are never likely to do. It was a fucking horror, about as accessible as a locked safe wrapped in concrete, and was generally just bad, bad, bad. The redone site took up 10% of the space of the old one, loaded five times faster, was accessible to everything, and was standards-compliant. Excellent stuff.
You’ve guessed it. The Arsehole has resurrected the old site, doesn’t give a shit about accessibility (His phrase “Blind people won’t be interested in a site/company like ours, so why bother?” sums it up.) or anything else. I’m almost tempted to blether out the site location to a few militant people I know, just to get the fuckhead sued. But I won’t. For now.
Of course, all this is going a long way towards fuelling my drive for sorting out my own sites and business. I’m going to do a lot of letter-writing and so on while I’m on holiday, and see if I can drum up some decent levels of business. We’ll see.
Good luck fella, I know who i’d come to if I wanted a business website.
God, that must be frustrating. Is there no way of getting him to see the light re acccessibility?
With Arseholes like that, they have a huge ego and very little experience in running a company, yet they know best doesn’t matter if your an expert in your field they won’t even consult you for your opionion as they WANT to be the 1 to make the decision (pathetic). Generally these arseholes constantly change their mind about the way forward, and will only give a project a short time to work rather than try it out properly.
Doesn’t matter how much money your work has made for the company in the past and your dedication, this Arsehole couldn’t care less, your expendible in his eyes and the most important thing to him is having the power over over other people and getting his X-amount salary. The above is the description of the Managing Director of the company i work for, and i presume this description applies to your ‘Fuckhead’ as well. To give you an idea i am an expert in Communication Skills / Managing / I.T (yes 3 things! some companies would be glad to have all that in one package but not this halfwit doesn’t use my knowledge and is jealous???!), 3 months ago i told my MD or ‘Cocksucker’ as i call him now, that if he didn’t reduce the staff by half in the companies main team (as there wasn’t enough work), then he would be wasting 6k a month in wages, he said to me ‘you can’t just sack people like that’, i said give them a months notice and a small handshake but he wouldn’t do it. Two weeks ago on a thursday he told them all they were history and gave them 1-days notice !!!.
Once i check and see that my wages are in the bank today, then i’m writing my resignation letter, handing that in to Cocksucker in front of the small team with have left and then i’m going to have a chat with him outside and tell him exactly what i and everyone thinks of him especially that hes the worst cocksucker/fuckhead/halfwit i have ever met, and how unprofessional he is etc etc etc. To give you an idea i wanted to check that my monthly wage goes in this friday by bacs as usual (friday for the last 4 months)and on tuesday he told me that no its going in on monday as it has in the past?! I said to him “my contract with my landlady is ending friday and she wants the house empty saturday as shes got builders in, shes not a nice person and won’t let me stay a couple of days longer as being paid monday” – the MD Cocksucker then replied to me “Why don’t you get her in the Fanny then”, i hope that gives you an idea of this Cocksuckers disgusting attitude. Hes from Ireland, a potatoe farm originally and done a masters in Gps Mapping??? yet doesn’t even know what pdas’ are fitted with gps and can’t program anything. Hes never even been a manager in a shop let alone an md in a company. Our company does web design (which is really poor, there not designed by me), web marketing, web leasing, web hosting, and mobile mapping GIS rfid (load of bollocks plenty of leaders in that field and were a company of now less than 5 but this is what the halfwit is going to make his money in, he thinks!!). Personally i don’t think they should let halfwits like this into Wales at all.
I have a few clients who need sites developed if you are interested as generally i handle the sales side, and these clients don’t want this company to do the sites and i will be setting up in business on my own after i leave today.