Real Beauty
Posted: Thu 30 March, 2006 Filed under: Thoughts 6 Comments »And about bloody time too.
Dove have launched the Campaign For Real Beauty, aimed at helping build up girl’s self-esteem to be real, rather than emulating some anorexic stick-thin model. It’s related to their “self-esteem fund“, and the entire thing strikes me as a bloody good idea, and one that’s well overdue.
They’ve even included a self-esteem check for good measure.
Maybe the backlash against the media portrayals of women has finally started…
Ha! I did the test on whether my workout is hurting or helping me, and answere dnever to every question, and it failed to spot that I never work out…!
Those tests are very annoying, because you have to move your mouse so far between clicking an answer and clicking “next”. They should have left-aligned the “next” button.
Also, I thought that they missed a trick with the self-esteem test. It would have been more amusing if regardless of your answers, the end conclusion was “You’re ace!”
M&S used ‘mature’ models in their adverts a while back. Maybe you are right Lyle, maybe the media world has realised that women are fuller in figure than we are led to believe, they certainly are in my neck of the woods – and most of them have been painted with the ugly brush too!
After I wrote that post I thought to myself, ‘who the hell wants to shag a matchstick anyroad? You might snap her………lets just leave it there!
Ohh must tell Rob