Local Public Transport

While we’re away, the Mother-In-Law (well, almost in-law) is looking after the house. One of the things I had to do before she arrived was to sort out timetables for the local buses and trains.

Now, the train bit is no problem, and the timetables are always at the station. So that was fine.

The bus situation, however, is a bit different. When I went to the bus station, which always used to have an office where you could pick up timetables, it turns out that they’ve decided it’s more economical to not bother with that, and simply have the timetable p on the bus stands, wrapped in plastic. In other words, you can’t get a copy of a timetable to take away with you. Well chuff me, that’s helpful, isn’t it?

In fact, you have to either get a timetable online (and do they do timetables in PDF format so you can at least get one easily? Do they fuck-as-like) or you have to ring them or email them and get one sent out. Which is OK if you’re organised and getting this kind of thing sorted in advance. But what happens when you’re just wanting to find out when the next bus is? In short, you’re knackered.

And then they wonder why less people are using the sodding service. I sometimes wonder if First Bus haven’t made the executive decision that actually they’d be able to run a decent service if only they could stop people being inconvenient and actually wanting to use it.

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