Driving Ability
Posted: Tue 7 March, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Thoughts, Work-related |1 Comment »Since starting work with the current company back in June last year, I’ve been able to look out over a junction that – it seems – causes utter confusion to drivers. It looks (very roughly) like this…
In effect, it’s part of a one-way system, and all traffic (except buses) should turn left. However, the buses can go straight on, and this is part of what seems to cause the confusion. Drivers see the road going straight on, and just follow it. They don’t look at the signs saying “no entry” and “you must go left”, because the road goes straight on, so that must be the way they go.
I reckon I see at least five to ten cars per day make this mistake.
Going the other way, cars can go straight on, but aren’t allowed to turn right. However, again I see at least ten cars per day turning right where they’re not supposed to, and across the flow of traffic.
Of course, there’s also the huge number of pedestrians who are either blind, handicapped, or just don’t look for traffic at all, expecting that they have some kind of right-of-way across busy roads full of fuckwits who don’t notice road-signs, let alone people. The sheer number of times I see cars having to pull up to let people cross the road is just astonishing.
I don’t know if Wokingham is just a moron-magnet, or whether this is indicative of the way people drive, but either way it a) makes for scary viewing, but b) is great for the comedy when people fuck up and get yelled at by all and sundry…
This is not specific to your area. Morons reside all over the country, and presume that THEY don’t have to abide by the laws of the highway ohh but other people MUST! Pah.