Smart Phone

Now here’s an interesting piece, on the ideas that some people are working on with regard to making mobile phones “politer” and “smarter”.

I like the idea of a phone that realises you’re in a cinema, or somewhere quiet, and thus quietens its ringtone, or goes to vibrate only.

Some really interesting ideas in the article – I wonder how long it’ll be before they become reality?

2 Comments on “Smart Phone”

  1. Gordon says:

    My phone does that already… I’d imagine most phones have the ability to change these things.. no? Maybe it’s the fuckwit users that are the problem (stunningly insightful I know…).

    Actually, technically, my phone CAN do that. It has profiles which you can set to ‘auto’ and whenever an appointment is in my calendar, the profile changes to “Meeting” automatically. So if I put in that I’m at the cinema, or having dinner, the phone changes to be quieter, or vibrate only (however I have the Meeting profile configured).

    But then, mine already IS a Smartphone ™.

  2. Lyle says:

    Yeah, I’m hoping mine will be able to do the same when I upgrade (10 days and counting – of which more later…). This is more of a thing about being able to do that automatically without setting it all up though – I figured it was interesting, seeing the way people are thinking about developing mobiles etc., and also with regard to forms of “AI” and machine logic.

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