Agency Contacts
Posted: Thu 23 February, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Work-related |1 Comment »Hmmm, life’s getting interesting again.
Following on from the events of the last few weeks at work, it also seems like there’s been a resurgence of activity from various IT job agencies, and as such I’ve started getting calls from them again. Weird, the way it all works out sometimes, isn’t it?
At the moment I’m not carrying through on anything I’ve been contacted about, but I’ve let them know the current situation, and that I’m certainly interested in what’s around at the moment. But I’m not desperate to move on just yet, I still want to see what will happen with the current place, because I do still believe it could be great. It’s just that all the corporate politics and bollocks is demoralising, and destroying the company from within.
Of course, if something ideal came along then at the moment I’d quite probably take it, but well, the need to move on isn’t that urgent yet. But we’ll just have to see what comes up…
You seem to still have a “contract” view of things, hope it works out whatever way you want it to…