Posted: Tue 24 January, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Sweary, Thoughts, Work-related |Leave a comment »Sometimes I could slap myself.
One particular function on the website had been working way back when I initially wrote the demos etc., and then when we did the manic upgrade and re-develop late last year, it fell by the wayside. Because I’d written this thing before, I figured it wasn’t going to be a big issue to do again.
Oh, how wrong I was. I’d estimated a day to get it all sorted and upgraded, working and looking pretty. After all, I knew what was needed, didn’t I?
Short answer: No, I fucking didn’t. The stuff I was looking at had been rewritten “to be easier to understand” by Simon (AKA “Fuckwit of the Western World”), which has meant I’ve had to re-do it not once, but twice, having realised halfway through that actually there was an easier way of doing all this, and what it needed was to take a chainsaw to the stuff that’d been written by FOTWW.
All in, it’s taken four days. If I take out the time spent in meetings etc., it still comes out as three days. But at least now it’s done, and – to be immodest – it fuckin’ rocks.
So I’m pleased it’s all out of the way, I’m just annoyed it took me three times longer than expected. Ah well…