Posted: Fri 13 January, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Geeky, Own Business, Work-related |Leave a comment »Over the weekend, I’m going to be doing some more work on the new site. I’ve got most of it in my head now, so it’s “just” a matter of now getting it into code, and working.
As part of that process, I’ve decided to be “brave” and use a templating system for the first time on a home-grown site. I can see that it’ll have a lot of strengths in the long run, but my experiences with the templating “system” *cough* we use for work’s main site is such a sack of shit I’m still not certain about them. So it’s all part of my own learning curve, really, seeing if another method for doing them is going to be better.
I’m going to be going with one I got asked about for a job interview a while back, Smarty. The name doesn’t fill me with optimism, but hell, I’m willing to give it all a bash.
I’ll write more about them on Monday, I’m sure…