Posted: Wed 4 January, 2006 Filed under: Resolutions, Thoughts 2 Comments »Bah, £350 later, I’ve ordered new glasses.
In fairness that £350 does equate to two pairs of new glasses, one standard, and one with high-index reactolite lenses by Zeiss – which accounts for £200 of it on their own. Plus £30 for the anti-scratch coating. So yeah, could be worse.
And, because I’m officially Blind As A Badger® the NHS sticks me on their “complex lens” thingy, which means I get a whacking £12.40 off the price of the lenses. Which is roughly half the cost of the anti-scratch coating. Or roughly 5% of the cost of the lenses. So, based in the real-world, then. *ahem*
They’ll be ready in a couple of weeks time, and I’m actually quite looking forward to getting them. My prescription had only changed slightly, but the current pair have lasted me three years (if not four, thinking about it) which isn’t bad, all things considered.
Who did you use? Have used Boots the last couple of times and they are OK. Was wondering about Specsavers but know a couple of people who don’t have a high opinion of them.
OK, now I’ve read the earlier post and have the answer.