Posted: Sat 7 January, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Domestic, Own Business, Thoughts, Work-related |1 Comment »Yes, a bit more about that rationalisation thing from yesterday.
It’s going to be an ongoing process, absolutely for sure. I’ve spent 2005 furkling about. Well, not quite furkling, but definitely not being perhaps as decisive and – is driven the right word? I know I’ve got a lot of stuff to be getting on with, and to be sorting out. And as part of that, I also need to reduce the distractions and diversions a bit, get myself back to being a bit more focussed.
Again, focussed isn’t quite the right word. I’m not getting all single-minded (in either context) as such, it’s just that I know where I need or want to be, and now it’s “just” a matter of getting there. And part of that route is to remove certain distractions and ways of diverting myself. Procrastinating, that’s the word. I’ll procrastinate when I get round to it.
So yes, I need to get some stuff going. The website bits will be started on this weekend. The house stuff is all coming together, and now it’s more about sorting out the relevant people and timescales. Still kind of scary though. The photography side of things needs to be worked on, the portfolio built up, that kind of thing.
There’s a lot to do in 2006 – lots of it work-based either for Groovy Group or for myself, but also the domestic side of things, and also making sure I don’t burn myself out. Which is going to be an interesting balancing act, to say the least…
Cancel something indeed – http://www.43folders.com/2006/01/05/modest-change-cancel-something/#comments