Home Improvements
Posted: Thu 5 January, 2006 Filed under: Domestic Leave a comment »As the year starts, the home improvements we’ve been working on over the last half of 2005 are continuing, and we’re on the last leg, thank the lord.
The kitchen is now done, and it’s more a matter of just putting stuff back into its rightful places. All the tiling and painting has been done (with the exception of the gloss paintwork, but that’ll have to be done on a day when Hound is nowhere around), and it looks like a new kitchen. The utility room is next, which is a fairly big bit of work, but shouldn’t take too long – painting, sorting out new shelving systems etc. in a bid to organise it a bit and get rid of the shite that’s there at the moment.
Then it’s just the office to deal with – we ordered the new bookcases etc. in Ikea, and they’ll arrive tomorrow. The office re-do is a bit more of a pain, in that we’ll have to take out everything, then put in new carpet, paint it, then move all the stuff back in – which includes what can only be termed as “a shitload” of books. Joy.
And then the final thing to do is the bathroom. We’re ordering the new stuff tonight, probably. More of a job, as it needs the services of a decent plumber – and Herself rightly doesn’t trust me anywhere near stuff like that.
So it’s all in the process of happening, with the various bits of gubbins being ordered, and then we’ll organise from there to get it all done…