Posted: Mon 9 January, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: 2006 Resolutions, Own Business, Work-related |1 Comment »Over the weekend I finally started off some of the stuff on Business Plan #1. The basic database structure’s been completed now, and is ready for me to start work on the pages themselves. Oh, and yes, the basic logo’s been done too – it’s not perfect, but it’ll do for now.
Next on the list will be a proper holding page, as that hasn’t been done yet, and is still one of 34sp default pages. Not for long though.
I am a bit befuddled by one thing on the new domain. I’m using 34sp’s Business hosting initially – a princely £10 per month for 500Mb of space and 10Gb of bandwidth per month (which should do me for the moment with room to spare) but it also has support for five databases. Why?
Anyway, at last the things are starting to get off the ground. More news about the development process will be posted up here as and when it happens. And you’ll be pleased to know I don’t intend to stay cagey about this for too much longer. I just want it sorted first, as you can imagine!
Because they can? Not sure. I guess they figure a ‘business’ account may want a sales database, stock management database etc etc…