Resolutions Finale
Posted: Tue 27 December, 2005 Filed under: 2005 Resolutions, Thoughts Leave a comment »Ah yes, back to that old chestnut for the Festering Season, resolutions. Well hell, it fills some space while I’m away…
Anyway, not much has changed since last time I posted on the subject – bit of a dead loss really.
But this is also where it gets interesting. Because I need to come up with some ideas for the ’06 Resolutions. And that’s what I’m going to be doing over the next few days. Some of the outstanding ’05 ones will probably make it onto the list, but perhaps not all of them.
And in the meantime, yes, I’m thinking about some new challenges and ideas. Got to keep myself mentally active and all that. After all, I’m thirty-bloody-five in ’06…