Posted: Sun 4 December, 2005 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Thoughts, Work-related |2 Comments »Over the last four weeks or so, I’ve found a couple of things that have really annoyed me. They’re the kind of things where I suddenly realise just how much I’m not designed to “fit in” with company work ethics and the like.
Four weeks ago the work I’d been doing for Groovy Group was pretty much completed – I’d say about 95% of the way there, with one extra piece to put in. (I’m still being fairly coy about a lot of it, as nothing’s yet gone live so we’re still kind of in the NDA phase of the entire thing. Then again, I’m not sure I’ll actually blether about the stuff at length even once it’s been released to the world. We’ll see.) Anyway, it was suddenly decided that we’d redesign everything, and move it over to a templating system, change some stuff around, and generally nork with the way it all worked – which has taken the last month to do, what with one thing and another, and is still due to take a couple more weeks.
Of course, now we’re copping flak for the fact that the release of this stuff is now overdue. Glossing over the fact it’s a corporate decision to mess about with everything, and that we had a releaseable version on time.
And that’s the thing I find hard to deal with when it comes to working for other people. I don’t mind so much if it’s a private client that norks about like this, but when it’s an employer it just nags at me. I don’t like moving goal-posts – never have, never will. It’s a frustrating experience, and not one I appreciate at all.
I know, it’s a pointless whinge to have – it’s one of those things I just have to get used to, and all that gubbins. But that doesn’t mean I have to like it.
I’m sure I’ll come back to this one at a later date, but well, for now it’s time to post it and get on with life…
Hey could be worse. You could work for a company that likes to change fundamental things like… ohh I don’t know… the name of the product or something… three weeks before launch.
“but surely it’s just a search and replace job”
they said. Allegedly.
Anyway, a friend of a friend that is not me told me this…. or something like that…
Except, um, that’s exactly what this lot are doing.
“Well, we’ve been thinking about it for a long time”
“OK, and had you actually told anyone?”
“Well, No.”