
So, there goes the last of the pre-written posts. Can’t be bad, eh?

I must admit, it’s something I really like in WordPress, the ability to write posts beforehand, and know they’ll just go live when I’ve told them to, no hassles rebuilding pages and whatever.

And now we’re not away again for a while, so it’ll be back to writing posts as they occur to me, rather than having to consider whether I should leave them for a later date, or when I’m away for the weekend, or whatever.

Although, if I’m honest, I’ll probably still do that. There’s going to be a lot of stuff going on in 2006, and it does mean we’re likely to be busy more often than not, particularly on weekends. So yes, I may still write post-dated stuff for weekends and the like. We’ll see.

Anyway, for the moment we’re back to business as usual chez D4D™

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