Driving By

There’s one facet of the story about South Yorkshire being gridlocked this morning due to a dead man on the M1 and a fatal accident on the A1 that’s rather more disturbing than any of the others. It’s this…

the body, which had been struck by a number of vehicles, was found near a footbridge, but it was not yet known if the man had fallen, jumped or been pushed from the bridge

Hang on, “struck by a number of vehicles“? How the hell does anyone in a car hit a body in the road and a) not stop or potentially b) not notice? Humans are bloody big things – they’re going to do damage to your car, regardless of whether they’re already dead or not. I’ve seen the mess a pheasant makes, and the one a deer makes – so I repeat, how the shit do you hit a body and not stop?

The mind boggles…

6 Comments on “Driving By”

  1. Pete says:

    “Struck by a number of vehicles” doesn’t mean the same things as “struck a number of times by one particular vehicle.”

  2. Lyle says:

    I agree wholeheartedly. However, that also means that there’s a number of people who managed to drive over/hit a human body and do fuck all about it.

    If it were just the one vehicle I could – possibly – understand it a bit. But for several to hit the body, and none of them to stop, report it, or anything? That’s fuckin’ creepy.

  3. Karen says:

    It is a bit Shaun of the Dead, isn’t it?

  4. bagpuss says:

    If the motorway was busy the body could have been hit by several vehicles more or less simultaneously (e.g plummets from bridge onto vehicle #1, bounces off vehicle#1 into path of vehicle#2 if then hit a glancing blow by vehilce #3. All the drivers may have stopped & reported it. But if they didn’t then I agree with the previous comments…

  5. Andy says:

    An artic driver wouldn’t even know he’d hit something like that, they only begin to notice when you get to something the size of a mini and even then it’s only when the rear wheels of the trailer go thud on the ground afterwards…….I don’t hate truckers much, honest!

  6. Steve says:

    Driving in the dark at motorway speed sometimes makes it difficult to see debris/dead people far enough in advance to avoid hitting it/them. I have seen accidents caused by people swerving around objects at speed, I’ve also hit debris because I haven’t been able to swerve.

    It could be that the drivers didn’t realise they had hit a human, if the first vehicle was 38 tons then it probably didn’t look like a body when it came out the back…

    Or they could just be arseholes, there are plenty of ’em about.

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