It’s a long time since I’ve written anything about Seasonal depression – in fact, having checked, the last post tagged with the “Depression” category was way back in December last year. So I guess that’s a pretty good sign that all’s been going OK.

Over the last couple of weeks, the closing in of nights and mornings has really affected me again. In general we’ve been so busy that I honestly hadn’t noticed it creeping up, but Herself pointed it out last night, and yeah, it’s true.

I feel flatter than I have in ages, mentally and physically exhausted, and just generally blah. The flip-side of that, though, is that I’m starting to get a lot of creative ideas – which is, for me, another sign of the SAD leeching its way into my head. For some reason while I’m still flat and tired the creative juices flow, which is a bit paradoxical as half the time I’ve got the idea and can’t be arsed to do anything about it.

I’d thought I was doing OK this year, actually. (And in a way I am – it’s midway through November before it’s started to hit) While I’m at work I sit by a window, so I should get a fair amount of light from that. At lunch-time I tend to go out and sit outside whenever possible. I haven’t set up daylight bulbs at home this time, which is possibly something I’ll have to look at for next year – but the problem there is that you can’t get eco-friendly daylight bulbs. (or at least, I haven’t found them anywhere yet)

So – I don’t know what else will happen this year with the SAD. If I can keep it at this level then that’ll be a small battle won, and will be A Good Thing. I’m aware of it again now, so I’ll just have to see how things go.

3 Comments on “SAD”

  1. Skytower says:

    I suffer in a similar way – one which is exacerbated by the fact that I work at night, so we’re getting into the time of year where I see hardly ANY daylight. It takes some adjusting to – October and November tend to be the worst months, because by December I’m usually buried in work because of Christmas parties and the like.

  2. Andy says:

    It affects me too, lethargy and serious mood swings, inability to motivate myself in a morning, generally just feeling sick and ill all the time as well.

  3. Gordon says:

    All those ideas – write them/type them all up. Even a few brief notes, that you can refer to later. But don’t let them all slip by.

    Mind you, it may be your brains way of coping with SAD… by keeping your brain full of other stuff so you can’t concentrate on it?? if that makes sense…

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