1.5 issues

I recently upgraded to FireFox v1.5 – and there’s something I’ve found in it that’s bloody annoying. About half the time I click on a link to open up in a new tab, the first time round I get a “Firefox couldn’t find the server” message – yet when I click “try again”, it goes straight to it.

Is it just me with this issue? Or is it more widely experienced?

Oh, and Adblock’s still being a pain in the arse, and won’t play Flash files at all. Sodding thing.

5 Comments on “1.5 issues”

  1. Kizi says:

    Ermm, yes. Is a short answer.

    Is that the RC2 version, cos it doesn’t exactly that with Beta2? Is there a point to me upgrading the upgrade?

  2. Gordon says:

    Kizi – which question were you answering there? Is it just him OR is it widely spread?

    I’ve not had anything like that happen to me since moving to 1.5, and yes AdBlock CAN be a pain in the ass.

  3. Kizi says:

    I can’t answer for everybody else, but it has regularly happened to me.

  4. David Boocock says:

    Happening a lot with eBay – just thought it was a problem with eBay but you’ve got me thinking. This is 1.5 RC2. Have used Firefox since it was Phoenix/Firebird

  5. David Boocock says:

    Just noticed that RC3 will be out probably next week with a full release later this month

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