
In a fit of truly sad “I wonder…”, observant readers will have noticed that there’s a little wordcount thing over there –>

It probably won’t last long, but I was having a bit of a statisticky moment, having just passed that 3,000th post, so I thought it might be somewhat interesting. Of course, it’s not really, and it’s of no use to anyone except me. But all the same, well, I thought I’d find out.

In other news, I’m now a lot more familiar with some of how WordPress works, so that much-mooted anti-sweary “worksafe” version may just come into being at some point soonish. Maybe. If you’re lucky.

2 Comments on “Wordage”

  1. Gordon says:

    Wordcounts. Bane of my life many moons ago when a previous boss didn’t get that they were, actually, bad for productivity (of a professional writer that is).

    Remember, it’s not the amount it’s the quality! 😉

  2. Lyle says:

    Indeed they are – but sometimes they’re of (slight) interest to the one who’s written all those bloody words…

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