
Last night had one part that was kind of fun.

Going along the dual-carriageway to pick up Herself from her night out (damn, knew this driving lark had a downside! *grin*), I was going past a whole row of cars, although still “only” doing 70 when there’s a whole rain of blue flashing lights in the mirror. Fark – having only just passed, I’m only allowed 6 points before I have to go through the entire malarkey again.

So I check the speedo, and yes, I’m only going 70. OK, the buggers can’t be after me. Fucketty shit he’s coming up fast. And bugger, there’s a whole shitload of cars on the left, so I can’t pull in safely to let him past.

Sod it, speed up – he’s going somewhere else, and if I get stopped for speeding, I can pretty much justify it.

85mph past the traffic, straight back into the left lane, and whoosh, off he goes into the night. Thank chuff for a car that’s got some poke…

3 Comments on “Speeding”

  1. Andy says:

    What did you buy? A bloody porsche?

  2. Lyle says:

    Nope, a 1.6 Zetec Ford Focus. But a heavy right foot (well, along with the rest of me) helps too when it comes to acceleration…

  3. Skytower says:

    Boy racers… tut tut!

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