Posted: Sun 23 October, 2005 Filed under: Geeky 2 Comments »Well, the new PC got assembled pretty easily.
However, installing the OS is a nightmare. First of all, I forgot (well, didn’t think I needed) the floppy drive. OK, I’ve got one in the old PC. Not ideal, but it’ll do. Install the drivers for the SATA drive – not so easy. Despite it being a board for a 64bit processor, they haven’t included the drivers for XP64 – you’d kind of think that was a logical addition, but no.
So it’s back online with the old PC, having swapped the floppy drive back, so I can write the drivers to floppy, then move the floppy drive over to the Shuttle box and give that a thrash.
I’m in the process of downloading those drivers now. I’m sure there’ll be other ones I need to (particularly networking etc.) so I may get those at the same time – seems like a smart move. With luck though I won’t have to install those ’til I’ve got some USB support and the main bit of the OS is installed.
That’d make life easier, anyway. In the meantime, I’m wondering if XP64 was the best option – maybe I should’ve just gone with XP Pro. We’ll see…
Where did you get all the bits from? How much did they cost? What specs did you end up with?
I think this is why I bought a mac mini. Plug it in. Switch it on. Done.