Posted: Tue 18 October, 2005 Filed under: News, Thoughts, Travel 4 Comments »Fantastic news in the Guardian today, that the government has announced a reshuffle that will mean Virgin fucking Trains losing their franchise for the cross-country from 2007.
And it’s about fucking time too – they’ve been running the service so badly over the last couple of years, they deserve to lose it.
The only issue this could cause is the loss of direct trains from, say, Penzance to Edinburgh. There was talk of this a while back, and the plans involved breaking up the franchise – this could be a disastrous thing were it to happen.
Agrees, not all Virgin’s fault either, Birmingham New Street causes most of the cross country bottle necks…anyway how come I’ve been more than happy with Virgin service..never late (in my experience), good trains, beats GNER in my book.
Must admit, I allways add about 20 to 30 minutes onto any advertised Virgin service and then it usually arives on time, according to my timetable anyway.
Virgin Trains has been run on a “Letter Contract” by the Department for Transport for the last few years. Virgin are not allowed to wipe their own arse without asking the accountants at the DfT. Virgin have wanted more & longer trains for years, but every time they ask, DfT says no. Penny-wise pound-foolish? Our government? Never