Getting Back
Posted: Sun 9 October, 2005 Filed under: Resolutions, Thoughts Leave a comment »Well, after my second session of archery with the new bow, I can definitely say I’m back into it. There’s still the old skill/talent there, which is something I’m pleased about – I wasn’t sure whether it would be after 15 – 20 years, but obviously it is.
The other shooters at the club thought I must’ve been doing this for a lot longer than two sessions, as the shots were consistent and pretty much on target. Of course, I’m still “finger shooting” (i.e. not using all manner of new and wonderful technology in order to be more of an archery robot) so it’s not perfect. There can be a lot of difference between shots when you’re sticking with the manual method, but I still find it quite satisfying knowing that it’s you that’s doing the work, instead of release aids, mechanical stuff, and the like.
All things considered, though, I’m really happy to be getting back into archery.
With one exception – despite leather boots, outdoor archery at this time of year doesn’t half lead to soggy feet…