
Bloody encrypted wireless networks.

Not that I can say too much about them, as my own one at home is equally encrypted. But at least I know the password to that one. The one here in Norfolk is a little bit more arcane, and I haven’t yet sorted out Airsnort in order to pick up the password. Maybe later.

As it is, I’m on Herself’s Sister’s laptop, which has all the gubbins already set up (and one of the dodgierst H keys known to man) so it’s not too bad. It also means that when I do some work-related stuff (and yes, I still am doing some work-based development) it’s on my own laptop, and thus I can’t get disturbed by the temptation of using the net at the same time. Some would say this is a bad thing, but on occasion it has its uses.

Anyway, we’ve had a good time so far, a day in Norwich, and a visit to the Norfolk Police Gala, which was much the same as every other agricultural show you’ve ever been to – only without animals. That’s it. But it’s been pleasant so far, the weather’s OK, and we’re going to have a good relaxed week.

Just thought you might like to know.

One Comment on “Wireless”

  1. Sez says:

    that H key’s so dodgy cause herself let “monkey” jump on it !!!

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