Final Steps

One of my resolutions back at the start of the year was to look at closing down my old company, and either stay “employed” for a while, or potentially look at restarting under another business name. There were lots of reasons for it, not least that life has changed a fair amount in the last year or so, and a change was needed in work aspects as well. Also, having gone back to “proper jobs” for a while, it seemed reasonable to fold down the old company.

The final steps of that process are now happening. By a happy coincidence, the domain comes up for renewal at the end of September, as does the webspace hosting agreement. After some thought about what to do, and whether to keep the site or the domain (after all, pretty much all the websites I deal with are registered under that company name, that kind of thing) I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not going to renew it, or the domain name. Yes, in theory someone else could come along and use it, but to be honest the odds are against it in a big way.

So by October 1 the website, email, and domain name will be no more.

And after that? What will I do should more website work come along, for instance? Well, I can always come up with another company name, or I can just do the stuff myself, independently, and leave it at that.

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