Domain Names

Gah – nightmare. I’ve got an idea for a site that would have major potential on the social networking front, and also in a section that’s currently not being approached at all.

But can I find a suitable available domain name? Can I bollocks.

Here, inspiration. Walkies. Here boy. Come on, inspiration, where are you? Biscuits.

4 Comments on “Domain Names”

  1. Vaughan says:

    I never did buy, if you’re interested in that one.

    Oh, wait a minute – social networking. Nah, probably not appropriate. Unless it was a social network of people discussing shaving their kitten.

    I’ll stop now (you’ll be pleased to hear). 🙂

  2. simon says:

    How about

  3. Gordon says:

    Ohh just go for something “wacky”.

    Note to self: purple frog is still taken, when is it available!!

  4. Gordon says:

    Two things.
    1. Spotted this and thought of you:
    2. Why not call it “Biscuit”???

    Whatever it is…

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