
For some reason, this week I’ve been incapable of actually organising myself properly at all. A prime example of this would be that I had a day where I’d simply a) forgotten to charge up my phone, then realised this in the morning, thought “I’ll put the charger in my bag”, followed by b) utterly and completely forgetting to pick up the charger. And there’ve been things like that all week.

Last night I took my headphones home for the first time in ages, as we were going to the gym and I needed them for the MP3 player. Only I forgot the MP3 player. This morning I’ve remembered the MP3 player but – you’re way ahead of me here, aren’t you? – I’ve left the bloody headphones at home.

Fortunately, my work stuff has been a lot more organised, so it’s only the domestic bit that’s chaotic. Hopefully I’ll be far more together after the weekend, although I’m not currently convinced of this…

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