Course Thoughts
Posted: Thu 29 September, 2005 Filed under: Thoughts 3 Comments »Well, the course went OK last night. It’s weird being back in an environment that just feels very like being back at school, but I’m sure I’ll get used to it.
In the meantime, I’m more and more convinced that accountants arse actually sorcerers, and double-entry book-keeping is either a) a black art or b) accountants making shit look far more complicated than it needs to be, in order to justify the amounts they can charge. I haven’t yet decided which of these it is, or perhaps it’s actually both.
Time will tell.
“accountants arse” Reflex word association, perhaps?
Are we to infer from the permalink for this post that this was the 3000th post on D4D? If so, blimey! Well done!
No, not quite at the 3,000 mark yet – I’ve just written post #2,990, so it’ll be in the next week – probably about Tuesday, to be exact.