
Well, I’ve now been with the new job for three months, and my trial period is over. We’re still thrashing out a couple of final bits to the full contract, but in general it’s sorted and all looking good for the future. Most unnatural for me – but I’m actually happy with the way everything’s going.

It’s just hard to believe sometimes that it’s already been three months since I left CrapCo. The time’s flown past, although when I look back and work it all out, I’ve managed to get one hell of a lot done in that time. There’s still a long way to go with the sites at the moment, but the basic version is just about complete and ready to go, which I’m really pleased with. The next step is building in some XML-RPC functionality which is kind of scary as I’ve not done it before, but that just means it’s something else I’ll be able to use after this.

I do need to sort out some other stuff over the next few months, and I’ll be writing more about those things as I get to them, but yes, for now all’s going well – and that’s a good feeling, to be sure.

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