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Got back yesterday at about 5.30/5.45. Knackered – utterly, totally, unfeasibly knackered.

Mainly this was down to the lack of sleep on Monday night, but also from traipsing around the IBC exhibition at the RAI centre in Amsterdam. Thought the NEC was big? Try the RAI. (Hmm, now there’s an advertising slogan). I know it’s not as big as the conference/exhibition centre in Frankfurt, but still, chuff me it’s big.

I’m also knackered from holding in my normal temper and rudeness when continually walked into – and particularly shoved out of the way – by rude, arrogant, self-centred suit-wearing (in the majority) fuckwit bastards with all the charm and personality of a dog-shit with a bootprint in it. It’s (thankfully) a rare occurrence to see so many of these “me, me, me” cunts in one place without actually entering an advertising agency, but the IBC seems to attract them like flies to that aforementioned shit.

Still, it was only two days, so it could’ve been worse. After all, the company boss was there for five days- by that time, I’d have been had up for murder, or homicidal assault at the very least.

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