
Bloody Hell, this log analysis takes some time. I started it running four hours ago, and it’s still plodding through…

Considering I’m using a PC with twin 3.4Ghz Pentium 4 processors and 1Gb of DDR RAM, that’s one shit of a lot of computation.

UPDATED : It finally took from 9.15 to 2.30 -5 and a quarter hours. That’s a lot of work.

4 Comments on “Time”

  1. Rob says:

    what do you use for the analasys? I’ve found Analog to be pretty damn fast (processed over 2.4gb of logs in about half an hour) but that was without reverse DNS lookup

  2. Lyle says:

    I use a thing called “Weblog Expert” (or WLE) which seems to do the job OK. I’ve not used Analog – I’ll have a look at it over the weekend. Cheers!

  3. Lyle says:

    Damn, that is fast!

  4. Rob says:

    It’s a pity the reports it produces look like poo onna stick but you can’t have it all!

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