
A while back I wrote about the useless police presence that had been placed on Bracknell station since the London bombings. At the time I really wasn’t impressed, and my attitutde on that score remains the same still.

Today, precisely four weeks after the bombings on 7th July and two weeks after the abortive ones on July 21st, there’s supposedly a massively increased police and security presence in London in order to prevent any possible attack. (which means, of course, that instead it’ll be tomorrow, or it’ll be in Birmingham or Edinburgh or somewhere – basically anywhere that isn’t London) And today is the first day since those bombings when there’s been absolutely no police presence – nor, in fact, any ticket inspectors – at Bracknell station. The mind boggles sometimes.

3 Comments on “Plod”

  1. It really is a massive police presence though. Both at Euston and Victoria there were more police than I’ve seen ever. And lots of stops and searches.

  2. Andy says:

    Apparently some of ours plods have been sent off down the M1 to pester ppl in London, so hopefully there might be less of em up ere.

  3. Hellcat says:

    That cos they are all in london

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