Quite, Quite Barmy

I love this story, which perfectly illustrates that we really can be quite cracked on occasion.

A family were travelling on the M11 in Kent when a gust of wind blew the 10 year old child’s cuddly toy out of the window. The family turned round at the next junction (which shows a degree of common sense, rather than the “oh, we’ve got to stop straight away” method that many seem to adopt) and discovered that the toy was in the central reservation. Again, rather than being brain-dead and trying to run across three lanes of high-speed traffic (which I know has been done before) they carried on, but called the highway police. ( I don’t know, but I suspect they didn’t even use 999 to do so – all due respect for them being sane)

The motorway police, being utter barmpots, managed to rescue the toy by setting up a “rolling road-block” to protect an officer walking onto the central reservation to pick up the toy. In effect they closed an entire section of a motorway to pick up a kids toy, and then post it to the family.

Mad as Cheese, but definitely a great story!


The weekend in Manchester was actually really good, despite the weather taking on a rather soggy turn on Saturday.

One place we went that I hadn’t previously visited was the food hall in Selfridges, which was definitely worthwhile. (and resulted in the purchase of some fantastic cheeses. I could’ve spent far more than I did, but decided to be good, for once) However, there was one small section that was just manky – which was the part run by Edible.

Edible specialise in foodstuffs that most people would go “yuck” at. Giant Ants, Snake Vodka, Thai Green Crocodile Curry, that kind of thing. Fair enough, I don’t mind the ants per se, and several other things – but really, coffee beens that’ve been passed through an animal already? I’ll pass, cheers. (pardon the pun) As for Hornet Honey, again, I just don’t see the attraction.

Maybe I’m getting boring in my old age, but while there’s a certain gross-out factor in Edible’s stuff, I really don’t like the attitude that goes with it.


I wonder if Channel 4 are currently shiteing it a bit, what with having spent millions on “Lost“, only for there to be a plane crash in Greece that killed all passengers. Will Ep. 3 of Lost be shown on Wednesday? Who knows…


In my travels to and from Manchester this week, courtesy of the oft-maligned (and sworn at) Virgin Trains, I was truly amazed to realise that both my journeys were actually on time. It’s unnatural. Maybe they knew it was likely to be my last long-distance trip with them, considering the events of last Thursday.

So yes, all went well – with the minor exception of the pissed Irish twat who thought “Quiet Zone” meant “get pissed and keep on trying to sing your way through the four hour journey”. But well, that’s what headphones were designed for. (I should point out that in the “Quiet Zone” (which never is) you’re also not supposed to use personal stereos or mobile phones, but my headphones are linked in to the laptop, so I kind of squeeze through that one)

Content Management

In my spare time, as well as working on a couple of websites and so on (Yes, Si, I know, yours is one of them – no excuses other than just generally being crap, though) I’m slowly working on the concept and initial code for a photographic content management system so I can do a photoblog as well as the stuff within WordPress. It probably won’t site on d4d™, because I do want to keep them seperate (and I’ve a buttload of webspace just sitting around doing sod-all) but the ideas are slowly coming together for how it’ll all work.

However, I think I really do need to get out more, rather than working on geeky stuff like this all the time. Ah well, maybe one day…


Earlier this week there was a story about whether an Islamic preacher can be kept out of the UK despite his avowed intention to return. As part of the surrounding coverage, there was talk about the UK government “banning” certain Islamic/Islamist groups.

When will governments learn that banning something doesn’t make it go away? Instead, it just goes underground (Oooh, sorry, connecting “Islamic radicals” and “underground” isn’t the wisest move, is it?) and becomes even more removed and secretive.

Banning anything makes it more glamourous and attractive, a sign of “rebellion” etc. etc. Whether it’s a chart single (think “Relax” by Frankie Goes to Hollywood, for a perfect example), a “sport” (cock-fighting, dog-fighting, badger-baiting, the list is endless), firearms (now an increasing problem – and yes, I did nearly say “exploding” problem – since the banning of handguns after Dunblane) or anything else – as soon as its banned, it becomes impossible to police.

In this case, any savvy “radical Islamic priest” is also going to be able to say “look how dangerous we are, the government tries to silence us, and yet we’re still here”. Being banned just adds “glamour” to the group, and then the longer they continue unabated, the more it looks like they’re the ones who are winning in this supposed War against Terror.


This weekend I’m away up to Manchester to see friends. It’s the first time I’ve been there this year, and it’s going to be quite fun seeing the old place again.

There’ll still be a couple of posts to go up over the weekend though – don’t you just love the delayed publishing stuff in WordPress?