Posted: Tue 2 August, 2005 Filed under: Thoughts 2 Comments »Skytower will be utterly unshocked to hear this : the ‘new’ Top Of The Pops has already managed to alienate/lose half its original audience.
Colour me utterly, utterly unshocked. If nothing else, Fearne Cotton should be replaced with a park bench. It’d be a lot more animated, quite possibly a lot funnier, and definitely a whole order of magnitude more intelligent. Particularly if it had any bird shit on it at the time.
Posted: Tue 2 August, 2005 Filed under: News, Thoughts, Weirdness 1 Comment »Why is it that we (well, the media) currently insist on glamourising stupid/dangerous activities by giving them “cool” names?
Recently we’ve had the shit about “Happy Slapping” (AKA “Assault” or “Rape”), “Deferred Success” (AKA “fucking it up” or “failing”) , “Joyriding” (AKA “stealing a car”) and too many others to mention.
Now we have “tombstoning“, which is correctly known as “Being a twat and jumping off a cliff into the sea, not knowing what awaits”.
Why does the media think these things need glamourising by use of these euphemisms? Or is it just to make the truly stupid think they’re cool by joining in with the next “big thing”?
Posted: Tue 2 August, 2005 Filed under: Health 2 Comments »While I do think that the idea of the home testing kits for bowel cancer are a good idea, one quote in the news sent my mind off on a little alternative trip.
“To use it, you just put the stick into a lump, then send it off to the testing centre”
Now there’s one place I really wouldn’t want to be in charge of opening the post…
Posted: Tue 2 August, 2005 Filed under: News, Thoughts 1 Comment »I’ve been thinking a lot (ok, a bit) about the latest news regarding stopping and searching people based on their ethnic background, which was in all the news and papers yesterday. Personally, I don’t understand the entire aspect of “we’ll do it more based on whether we think you’re Muslim or not”, which seems to be the main thrust of the argument.
If you’re publicly targetting one sector of society more than others, then any potential threat will do itself up to not fit in with that stereotype. In fact,the police are probably less likely to catch anyone using this method than they are by just saying “We’re increasing the likelihood that anyone could be stopped and searched at random”.
Of course, the Metropolitan police have always had a bit of a preference for singling out certain ethnicities for their stop and search programmes and so on. So I suppose it shouldn’t really be a surprise that they’d seize (pardon the pun) on this set of events as an excuse to target the same sections of the community that protested last time the stop and search became overly politicised.