
Every so often I get accused of being far too derogatory about my fellow human beings – primarily because I apparently decide that they’re “all” (for which read “the great majority”) effing stupid, and normally with more feet than IQ points. On a charitable day I might allege that they’ve more digits than IQ points. But that’s about as far as it goes.

On the other hand, I sometimes believe that I still actually over-estimate the intelligence, common sense, and general willingness to continue living. Or at least living with a full complement of those aforementioned digits.

Today’s example…

If you were to see a bloody huge German Shepherd dog tied up outside a supermarket, with no owner in sight, would you approach it, saying “Oh, what a cute dog?” Possibly.

If the same dog were visibly pissed off and growling, would you still go up to it? Probably not.

If the same dog, as well as being pissed off and growling, was wearing a very solid muzzle – and let’s bear in mind, here, that German Shep’s aren’t listed under the Dangerous Dogs Act, and so don’t have to be muzzled in public – then would you go near it? Almost certainly a resounding “fucking hell, no” is the reaction here.

But no, as I came out of the supermarket, two stupid twats were trying to stroke it. Despite growling, hackles, and barking through the muzzle. Fortunately the owner came out just after me, and suggested that perhaps the twats should fuck off out of it before he decided to just take the muzzle off, and let the dog have some fresh meat. If you’d seen the owner, you’d have believed him too.

The point of this is that I was actually considering taking Hound down, and doing the same thing – she gets anxious and snappy when strangers come up to her, so I’d definitely have muzzled her, but I did think that having the muzzle on would suggest to people that she shouldn’t be approached. See what I mean about over-estimating now?

One Comment on “Muzzled”

  1. steve says:

    No such thing as bad dogs, just stupid knob head owners. I had to phsically wrestle a rotweiller from Sam whilst it’s knob head owner insisted that the stupid fucking land shark only wanted to play – a 50 kilo dog playing with a 25 kilo boy – OK stupid me, I thought it wanted to eat him. A few well aimed kicks and a serious chat with knob head owner ensured that he continued down the beach with an out of control killer bounding up to every child in sight to “be friendly”. Fucking idiots buy unneccessary dogs and expect the sane members of the public to tolerate them. For my money, we should be allowed to club the fuckers to death and send the dogs to the RSPCA for a quick lethal injection. AND they shit all over the place – and so do the dogs!

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