Posted: Mon 8 August, 2005 Filed under: Animals 3 Comments »One small interesting event over the weekend – we had a magpie in the chimney. Luckily (for the magpie) we haven’t yet got round to properly blocking the chimney, so it came right down into the fire-space which luckily (for us) has a board over it to block draughts etc.
Of course, if we hadn’t had the board, either a) the magpie wouldn’t have fallen down the chimney in the first place, or b) we’d have come home to an insane magpie flapping about, a moronic (and slightly insane) Hound chasing it around, or c) home to a dead magpie and a very smug cat.
Instead we got home to a quiet house, with some weird noises coming from the fireplace. Taking the board out, lo and behold, there’s one dazed (and surprisingly placid – I think it’d gone to sleep, as it was dark) magpie. We put the board back, opened the patio doors so the cretinous corvine could fly out, locked Hound out of the room, and took the board out. Of course, the bird then flew the wrong way, bashing itself on the ceiling too, but then got the hint, and flew out of the open doors, and chuffed off just fine.
So all in all it went well, and was just odd. But it does make me wonder how a stupid bird can fall down a chimney in the first place.
“cretinous corvine”?
Admit it, you had to look that one up… 😉
Nope, sad to say, I know that Magpies are part of the crow family, which is Corvus. I even know that the standard crow family is “corvus /corvidae“, which really does display levels of sadness so epic I’m going to go and cry now.
Am attempting to assist the big man in GETTING A LIFE and stay away from the useless facts but am becoming more convinced everyday that he’s got one of those brains that holds this crap…shame he can’t retain the important stuff, like remembering to do housework and how to balance a cheque book!