
Why is it that we (well, the media) currently insist on glamourising stupid/dangerous activities by giving them “cool” names?

Recently we’ve had the shit about “Happy Slapping” (AKA “Assault” or “Rape”), “Deferred Success” (AKA “fucking it up” or “failing”) , “Joyriding” (AKA “stealing a car”) and too many others to mention.

Now we have “tombstoning“, which is correctly known as “Being a twat and jumping off a cliff into the sea, not knowing what awaits”.

Why does the media think these things need glamourising by use of these euphemisms? Or is it just to make the truly stupid think they’re cool by joining in with the next “big thing”?

One Comment on “Euphemistic”

  1. hellcat says:

    Maybe its called tombstoning due to the fact that if you do it you are bound sure to get one.

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