Posted: Fri 19 August, 2005 Filed under: Resolutions 2 Comments »It’s taken a long time to get round to happening, but I’ve finally signed myself on for a course or two from September at the local FE college. I’ve been banging on for a long time about OU stuff and the like, but well, I can’t deny it, I’ve just never really found a course that interests me that much – particularly if it’s going to be something I’ve got to keep on doing for five or six years, one way or another.
On an introspective front, I know I’m far too flighty, and my interests range too far, for sticking with one subject to be of much use or long-term benefit for me. That’s just being brutally honest – by the time I’ve studied something intensively for six years, I’m not likely to want to look at that subject again for at least a similar stretch of time.
So as a kind of halfway house, I’ve gone for a shorter course. The entire thing will take the best part of a year, but it’s in three modules of about 10 or 12 weeks at a time, which should help a lot on that score.
And the subject? Well, in line with a few plans we’ve got for the next year or so – of which more at a later date – I’m going to be starting off with a course on Book-keeping and business finances. Kind of scary, kind of grown-up, but also most definitely something that should come in useful what with one thing and another…
Best of luck with it. 🙂