
Over the last week I’ve been feeling – to put it tactfully – rougher than a badger’s arse in wintertime. It started last Friday on the train, where it was chuffing freezing thanks to an overzealous application of the air-conditioning. Probably going from train to smoky pub didn’t help in the long run, but anyway, by the end of the night my throat was feeling decidedly dodgy. Ah well, it’d been loud and smoky, it’ll wear off I’m sure.

How wrong I was. Saturday it was worse, and by the time I got home on Sunday I was beginning to sound like some kind of 0898 chatline porn bint, I was so husky. Generous dosings of paracetamol and so on have meant it’s eased off a fair bit over the course of the week, but now it’s Friday evening, and I’m back to feeling rough.

Sore throat, plus additional cold stuff (sneezing and snot, primarily) mean it’s likely to be another couple of days feeling blocked up and shitty.

I’m not going to make out it’s flu, or anything “male” like that – it’s just a bummer that I feel like shite. Ah well.

And why is it that these things always kick in on a weekend, rather than during the working week?

One Comment on “Badger”

  1. Andy says:

    Admit it, you have man flu, it’s a good excuse to take a week off and loaf about!

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