
Well, I’ve banged on about it enough – and particularly in recent conversations with a few people both at work and in other commercial stuff – so I’ve finally got round to ensuring that this page on d4d™ validates against the W3C’s CSS and XHTML standards.

And lo, it does. I’m sure there’ll be odds and sods where I still fall over (the one that readily springs to mind concerns when I add images into the main part of d4d™) but as a general rule of thumb I’m now compliant with all the guidelines. Which is nice.

In other semi-related news, I’ve heard through the grapevine that Stinky from my employers last year has been making a rabid arse of himself, getting all militant and bullshitty. I’m really pleased I’m no longer working there, because I’d have to be listening to his ranting every day. Even worse, he’d probably be waving his arms about while doing so, and there wouldn’t be a nose-peg handy for dealing with the resultant olfactory offences.

So – always best to look on the bright side of these things!

(Oh, and yes, I do realise that the rest of d4d™ still needs some work before I can get site-wide validation – particularly the older photo pages and rants etc. I’ll get there one day soon, promise.)

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