Posted: Fri 1 July, 2005 Filed under: D4D™, Geeky 1 Comment »One of the innovations I find I really dislike on computers is the meese mices mousen cordless mouse with rechargeable batteries.
Now, I’m not going to argue the point too much, because really it’s me who’s at fault rather than the mouse itself, but I’m forever forgetting to put the sodding thing back on its little recharging cradle overnight. So by the end of the week I’m getting either a) no mouse service at all, or b) error messages and warnings all over the place about “Mouse Battery is low”. Today is using option a.
Fortunately, I’m a truly sad git, and actually know most of the Windows® keyboard shortcuts, as well as the Firefox ones, which means I can still work fairly well even without the mouse. It’s an interesting thing in a lot of ways, because you suddenly discover a lot more about website design, and usability in general.
For instance, looking at d4d™ itself, and Gordon‘s where we’ve knobbed about with the site navigation so it actually appears last in the code is truly useful. A couple of shift-TABs to go back, and lo, I can get to anywhere on the site.
However, writing stuff in the WordPress “Write” window is an utter, utter bastard because of the way the order has been coded for where TAB sends you next. It’s something I’ll be looking at hacking about with in the future, I think.
It’s something that I’m sure I’ll be writing more about. Be afraid.
Tab order. Always the thing that gets entirely forgotten about until the software is out the door and the user is on the end of the phone, whingeing about it.