Racial Tolerance
Posted: Wed 20 July, 2005 Filed under: General 2 Comments »I’ve kept on forgetting about this – I think my brain’s trying to eliminate it from memory – but when we went down to London on July 10th for the christening (and I still have problems believing I’m actually a godfather, too) the service came up with an utter gem. The poor woman next to me couldn’t stop giggling.
In the middle of a prayer regarding the bombings in London, and preaching religious tolerance came the line :
For all people, whether they be white, black, khaki, or yellow
I think everyone who heard it (i.e. all those who weren’t comatose/ braindead by that point) just thought “What the hell?”
Ahh yes, those lovely khaki people…
Is them the ones that are green with envy?