
I must admit, I can’t help being impressed by the Chief Constable of Manchester Police, Michael Todd. When he came in to the position, he spent the first couple of days (and I think, though I may be wrong, that he actually did some of this before his official start date) visiting all the police stations in Manchester, and meeting the people he would be commanding/ representing. That’s a pretty strong thing to do – and something that a lot more bosses should do when they come to a new place.

Anyway, today he’s in the news again, having allowed himself to get shot by a Taser gun. This is a man whose attitude comes down to “I want this to be in the frontline police force, but I can’t justify doing that, or saying it’s safe, without having experienced it first”. Personally, I’d like to see more people with that kind of attitude.

2 Comments on “Plod”

  1. sarah says:

    And how happy is the cop firing the thing? A face of glee of having shot your boss with 50,000 volts. bless..

  2. razorhead says:

    Personally I’d be happier with a big burly chief constable who has just discovered how awful tasers are realising that these are not things to give out to your average plod.

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