Posted: Tue 5 July, 2005 Filed under: Thoughts 2 Comments »I must admit, I can’t help being impressed by the Chief Constable of Manchester Police, Michael Todd. When he came in to the position, he spent the first couple of days (and I think, though I may be wrong, that he actually did some of this before his official start date) visiting all the police stations in Manchester, and meeting the people he would be commanding/ representing. That’s a pretty strong thing to do – and something that a lot more bosses should do when they come to a new place.
Anyway, today he’s in the news again, having allowed himself to get shot by a Taser gun. This is a man whose attitude comes down to “I want this to be in the frontline police force, but I can’t justify doing that, or saying it’s safe, without having experienced it first”. Personally, I’d like to see more people with that kind of attitude.
And how happy is the cop firing the thing? A face of glee of having shot your boss with 50,000 volts. bless..
Personally I’d be happier with a big burly chief constable who has just discovered how awful tasers are realising that these are not things to give out to your average plod.