
You know, there’s a sign that you’re about to have a bad day. It’s this :

You get on a train, (or any form of public transport, but in today’s case, it’s a train) sit down, and opposite you there’s a woman clutching the cross on her necklace, and singing hymns to herself. At a volume high enough to make the tune identifiable (Closer My God To Thee, I think it’s called) but also at a pitch spookily resembling the “mosquito buzzing in the ear” level of irritation.

Thank Chuff I only had to go ten minutes with it.


4 Comments on “Omens”

  1. sez says:

    Yes, but as recent events show it’s the nutters on the train who look normal you have to be worried about !

  2. “Closer my god to thee” or “Closer to god” – perhaps she’s a NIN fan at heart.

  3. nayf says:

    That’ll be “Nearer, My God, To Thee” and was, fact fans, the last song the band played on the Titanic as it went down. So… I don’t know if that means anything.

  4. Andy says:

    Maybe she was genuinely terrified of being blown apart, I know it’s affected people up here in Bradford & Leeds and we weren’t directly affected by the blasts like Londoners and people in that neck of the woods.

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