No such thing as failure

I’m sorry, but I just can’t resist.

Teachers are now saying that there should be no such thing as “failure”. Instead it should be called “deferred success”.

I’m not going to do it tonight, but worrieth not, a rant will be forthcoming on this one, you can be sure.

Deferred success, my aching ringpiece.

5 Comments on “No such thing as failure”

  1. hellcat says:

    yeah but is that in relation to the teachers defered sucess?

  2. Before you write your rant, could you please imagine the word ‘Some’ in front of the BBC’s headline? Or, even better, ‘A few stupid’.

  3. razorhead says:

    oh…. oh….. ha…. oh please….. that’s…. funniest….. thing….. ever…..

  4. nayf says:

    “The Professional Association of Teachers will be told next week the label of failure could undermine children’s enthusiasm for school.”

    But, but – if you never fail, why be enthusiastic? Why try at all? Grr.

  5. Andy says:

    Schools are breeding a new type of human, kids that expect the earth straight away, don’t expect to have to work for anything, expect to become whatever they want and as a result behaviour has never been worse, it’s about time competition was reintroduced to schools, how about sports days (or sports participation events as they are now known) where the ‘winner’ of a race is one person and has won because he/she is better than the rest………. bollocks to all this left wing namby pamby nonsense, bring back reality into the classroom. Christ I could be an MP!

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