Bloody Hell. Home Secretary in “talking common sense” shocker. Never thought that’d happen – but I’m glad it did.

Charles Clarke says that ID cards wouldn’t have stopped the London bombs. File under “Sherlock, Shit, No.”

However, he still thinks that in general they’re a good thing, and would help. The most worrying comment is

“He also suggested that in future civil liberties may have to be curtailed.”

2 Comments on “ID”

  1. coffdrop says:

    The curtailment of civil liberties statement comes as no surprise.

  2. Andy says:

    Charles Clarke and the entire Labour Party are absolute idiots for thinking that the general population is stupid enough to follow every desperate idea they come up with. I wish that every person who had any interest in becoming a politician would be barred from becoming so………can we not choose the best leaders from the pick of the crop instead of those arse about face lawyers who can’t answer a simple question or solve a simple issue. Oooooooh rant!

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