Hot Coffee

I’ve been thinking a lot about the American furore about GTA-San Andreas “Hot Coffee” mod which enables the player to ‘have sex’ with in-game girlfriends. It seems that now even US politicians are getting involved and demanding a federal investigation into the game, because of how the nudity can corrupt the game-playing children.

Now I’m sorry, but what?!? This is a game where you’re actively encouraged to shoot policemen, and hire prostitutes. Half the missions involve theft, violence, guns, and the like. And it’s the nudity that’s going to corrupt? Fuck me dead, that’s some weird system of morality.

<Pause while I try to find something I thought I’d written, but it turns out I hadn’t>. Way back in Feb 2004, Janet Jackson caused outrage in the US when her tit got displayed on prime-time TV during the superbowl – an event which has since meant a whole new bundle of rules regarding live TV transmission in the US, and also a raft of fines for supposed “indecency” on-air. But they can still show as much violence as they want without any worry of castigation or financial retribution.

GTA does the same thing – it glorifies violence and death, but one mod where *shock* the characters get nude and some teenage boys can see some pixellated nipples and some nudity, and the game suddenly has to be “adults only”.

No wonder we sent the bloody puritan twats off on the fucking Mayflower…

5 Comments on “Hot Coffee”

  1. Gert says:

    You know, if I wasn’t such a lazy cow, I could be the next Edward Gibbon, collating all these theories about the regressive nature of US Society – The Decline and Fall of the American Empire.

    The USA became top-dog because of its attachment to progress, free thinking and innovation, but however much of that is going on in the North East and the West Coast the predominant mores of the USA is such as to precipiate a very steady decline over the next three decades.

  2. Gordon says:

    Having seen a video clip it’s a lot more than nudity – full on h*rdcore action is the only way to describe it.

  3. sarah says:

    “No wonder we sent the bloody puritan twats off on the fucking Mayflower…”

    Best quote ever. May I use this in conversation?

  4. Lyle says:

    But of course…

  5. graham kendall says:

    why dont they sentence convicted fellons to an amount of money .. say an armed bank robber to 200 grand or a conman to 50 grand .. varying amounts for different crimes . then build a recycling centre on the end of every prison .. where rubbish is taken .. and then the prisoners can work off there sentences. the harder they work the quicker they get out .. the lesser they work the longer they stay in .. most of them are inside because basically they hate the idea of a days work .. this will be a deterrant to anyone thinkin there only goin to get an easy five years in jail .. plus when they do come out of prison theyll be fit and used to a hard days work and terrified by the idea of goin back in .. plus the whole thing is a service to to the community .. as in recyling waste so everyones a winner .. thankyou

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