
Today’s a bit of a special one at work. We’ve got a board meeting going on, the first time they’ve seen the new office, and the new people in the company (i.e. Me, plus a couple of others), plus what we’ve been working on. It’s not one of the heavy-type meetings where we all have to have working demos and so on, but the honchos are doing a bit of a tour round, and having a look, as well as all the normal board-room guff that the minions don’t need to worry about.

First thing this morning I was out on a shopping trip for stuff like biscuits (Ah, chocolate Hobnobs, the prize of all board-meetings) as well as various pretty bits like decent crockery (sugar bowls etc., the stuff that techies and developers really don’t care about, but directors do) and glassware. Being me, I’ve ended up getting a bundle of glasses with cartoon animals on them, rather than just boring plain glass – the directors love them, so that’s a success.

All in all it’s a bit of a big day for the company – and so far all’s going well.

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