
I just drank an Innocent® Blackberry and Blueberry smoothie, and couldn’t resist copying the text that was on it. Sheer genius…

We don’t know who invented blueberries. Probably Thomas Edison, or Benjamin Franklin. Anyway, whoever did it, we thank you, mainly because blueberries seem to do a multitude of things very well. They look good on your cornflakes, they taste amazing, and they contain more antioxidant power than brocolli, spinach, or garlic. Over the years we’ve found that they taste slightly more agreeable when blended into a smoothie than garlic or any of those other things. If you disagree, please email your concerns to

How ace is that? Particularly the email address…

5 Comments on “Blueberries”

  1. David says:

    And if you microwave blueberries, sometimes they burst into flame! Don’t ask me why, I just know from experience.

    Nice in porridge too.

  2. Andy says:

    Clever marketing with a hint of fun. Lifes too short to be serious.

  3. razorhead says:

    Those innocent people are really cool – it’s not just some evil marketing spin either

  4. clair says:

    I love it when companies don’t take themselves too seriously.

  5. Clare says:

    I don’t often eat blueberries. Maybe I should try harder.

    P.S. Was the broccoli spelling mistake yours or theirs? ;o)

    P.P.S. Is there any way of getting your comments box to remember my details?

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