Oh buggery, London hosts the olympics in 2012. Arse.

Still, it gives me plenty of advance warning so I can be off somewhere else during that month. Preferably in a little hole in the desert where I don’t have to hear about the bloody thing at all.

2 Comments on “2012”

  1. Jann says:

    Eh? When did you move to London?

  2. Phil says:

    London is full of enough morons now, think how bad it will be during the olympics! As it is most tourists and, sadly, locals, stop right in front of ticket barriers at train stations, for minutes on end, a look of total bafflement on their faces as if they’ve just been presented with an intelligence test worthy of The Krypton Factor.

    On the bright side though, it’s a good excuse to flip the french 🙂

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